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How Lip and Tongue Ties Can Cause Speech Delays in Children

September 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 6:41 am
a closeup of a smiling child

Communication is a pretty important part of human interaction—simply put, we wouldn’t be able to shape our relationships and connect with the world without the ability to talk! And speech starts at an early age; however, some children face challenges when learning to talk due to lip and tongue ties, conditions that can significantly impact their ability to speak fluently and clearly. Continue reading below to learn a little more about how lip and tongue ties can cause speech delays in children, and the importance of early intervention.

Understanding Lip and Tongue Ties

Lip tie and tongue tie are conditions where the thin band of tissue that connects the lips to the gums (lip tie) or the tongue to the floor of the mouth (tongue tie) is unusually short, thick, or tight. This restriction can greatly limit the movement of the lip and tongue, affecting various functions, notably breastfeeding, but also speech and even dental development. These conditions are fairly common these days, but fortunately, since treatment is normally quite simple, they can often be resolved with ease!

The Potential Impact on Speech

The limited range of motion in the tongue and lips caused by these conditions can affect a child’s ability to orient their tongue and lips correctly to make certain sounds. They may struggle with moving the tongue to the roof of the mouth, controlling oral airflow, or pursing their lips.

These limitations may result in various mispronunciations, difficulty with articulating certain consonants or vowels, and a limited range of sounds and words in their vocabulary. Even worse, these speech delays can have significant social and emotional consequences on children. For instance, they might become frustrated when they aren’t able to communicate with their peers, leading to lowered self-esteem and even social isolation.

How Your Dentist Can Help

If your child exhibits signs of speech delays due to lip and tongue ties, early intervention is key. While speech therapy is valuable, treatment of the tie should ultimately resolve the issue and get your child set up for optimal speech development. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary—but this is far less intense than it sounds. A simple procedure, known as a frenectomy, can be performed to restore proper lip and tongue function; and it’s quick and virtually risk-free!

If you’re a parent, you should remain observant of your child’s speech and note any delays. If they’re caused by a lip or tongue tie, rest assured that you can easily address the issue and help your child overcome these challenges!

About the Practice

The talented team at Sprout Dentistry for Kids of McKinney has proudly served the dental needs of families in the McKinney, TX community for several years. They’re thrilled to offer a wide range of pediatric dental services including lip and tongue tie treatments. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to arrange an appointment for your little one, feel free to contact the practice online or over the phone for assistance: (469) 813-7127.

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