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How Can I Tell If My Child Needs a Frenectomy?

May 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 4:11 pm
a baby laying covered in a towel and sticking its tongue out after undergoing a frenectomy in McKinney

Recognizing that your child has a lip- or tongue-tie isn’t always easy. Unless you know the signs, you may continue to wonder why your baby isn’t latching well or why your child is struggling to speak clearly or breathe properly throughout the night. It often requires the help of a trusted pediatric dentist to identify the problem; however, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage want you to have the information you need to recognize problems early on, which is why this article focuses on what you should look for when determining if your child needs a frenectomy in McKinney.


From Fear to Excitement: How Laser Dentistry is Changing the Way Kids Visit the Dentist

May 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 10:22 pm
a young girl gives a thumbs up while sitting in the dentist’s chair waiting to undergo laser dentistry in McKinney

 Is your little one fearful of the dentist? Do you find it challenging trying to load them in the car and get them to the dentist’s office because of their heightened anxiety? You’re not alone. Many parents struggle with the same problem but fortunately, there is a solution that is helping to change the way kids view their upcoming dental appointments. Dr. Justin Chan and Dr. Sage Yoo at Sprout Dentistry for Kids are pleased to incorporate laser dentistry in McKinney into their practice. Offering an easier and pain-free solution to treatment, read on to discover just how impactful this unique method of treatment can be when it comes to your child’s future dental visits.
